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Sorry, not so much an idea but a CAR :(

I've had quite a few builds fail because there are quite a few VIs in this directory that are broken (mostly because the 'LV Type' inputs are not wired).

C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2020\vi.lib\JDP Science\JSONtext\From JSON Text (I32).vi

I've gone through the VIs and fixed them, and LV happily builds my project. But it would be worth a quick patch.



James Powell Those VIs are off pallet and intended to be deprecated. Are you using them? Or are they causing a problem when building an exe or something? I as, because I'm considering just deleting them.
 •  Reply3 years
Tom McQuillan I'm not using those specific VIs. However, I am including a few plugin classes in the build specification, and they in turn call the JSON library (only the palete VIs). I think the build is failing because the plugin classes are dependant on a library that contains broken VIs. As I say, once I fix those VIs (only about 5) the build works fine.
 •  Reply3 years
Tom McQuillan It's strange as the build gets to 100% done, then it shows the error and deletes the executable it just created! 😖
 •  Reply3 years
Sentenza Hello, i'm trying to install the jsontext on my labview 2019 but the installation link is not working? Can you tell me why? I try also to donload the package from the repository and install it from the vipm bulder but it saying that som vi are missing also. Can you please help
 •  Reply2 years
James Powell Try installing direct from VIPM, without downloading anything (VIPM will already have it from the cloud). Just type JSONtext into teh search box in VIPM
 •  Reply2 years
James Powell Make sure you allow VIPM to install the required dependency (JDP Common Utilities)
 •  Reply2 years

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