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CLAUDIE_xlsx by ATEsystem - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

VI addon for creating and manipulation with xlsx data.

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ReleasedAug 21, 2017
Publisher ATEsystem
License BSD
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=14.0
Operating System Windows, Mac, and Linux
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LabVIEW CLAUDIE xlsx 1.4.2 library created by ATEsystem s.r.o. This is inside LabVIEW created library that offers variety of read and write functions and manipulation functions for Microsoft Excel® files in the XLSX format. Also this is not based on any activX components or DLL, and you can simply create excel files on any machine, without installing Microsoft Excel. (You still need a machine with installed Microsoft Excel to open the file - or you can open it backward in LabVIEW).

Dependencies: VI Package Manager 2014+

Release Notes (Aug 21, 2017)

21.8.2017 (Kodytek)
* Reworked documentation for VIs, renamed example VI functiosn to be more describing
14.8.2017 (Kodytek)
* fixed bug with numbers
+ Added option to name first list of excel. Default still stays ATEsystem
4.5.2017 (Kodytek)
+ New User manual, new formating functions descriptions
3.3.2017 (Kodytek)
+ New VI -> Set Col Size

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