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BlueTreeMap (Open Source) by Blue Origin - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

Build a recursive TreeMap data structure in memory, and export this to a LabVIEW tree control

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ReleasedJan 02, 2023
Publisher Blue Origin
License Not Specified
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=20.0
Operating System Windows, Mac, and Linux
Used By blue_origin_lib_bluetreemapviewer_opensource   blue_origin_lib_blue_event_log_opensource  
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This toolkit allows for the user to build what I'm calling a "TreeMap" data structure in memory. This is a recursive tree with attributes. Duplicate node paths are not allowed. The user must declare a delimiter, which is not allowed to appear in node paths.

A TreeMap can be easily converted and dumped into a LabVIEW tree control. This is the primary use-case for this library.

A TreeMap is an on-wire, by-value data structure. As such, you can safely branch the wire to create a new, unlinked copy. You can also safely flatten and unflatten the structure to a serial string.

A TreeMap is a recursive data structure. Recursiveness is accomplished through use of LabVIEW variants. This has performance implications, but is uniquely powerful in what it can accomplish.

Release Notes (Jan 02, 2023) no release notes for this version
bjustice was a contributor to this release

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