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PDO Configurator (System) by KUNBUS - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

PDO Configurator - Graphical Configuration Tool for cRIO ECAT SL module

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ReleasedNov 15, 2017
Publisher KUNBUS
License Not Specified
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=0
Operating System Windows
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KUNBUS PDO Configurator - PDO configuration tool for KUNBUS C SERIES EtherCAT slave module cRIO ECAT
The cRIO ECAT slave module has to be configured for a specific PDO configuration offline by using the KUNBUS PDO Configurator. The tool creates a *.pdo file that must be downloaded and stored to the module. Furthermore the tool exports a *.esi file which can be used to configure the EtherCAT Master.

Installing the package starts automatically the KUNBUS PDO Configurator Windows installer (setup.exe).
Please follow the steps of the windows installer for a successfull installation of KUNBUS PDO Configurator.
Note: User Account Control permission is needed.

Starting PDO-Configurator
The PDO-Configurator can be started using
Windows Start Menu -> Kunbus GmbH -> cRIO ECAT Slave -> Tools -> PDO-Configurator
or by clicking
LabVIEW -> Tools -> KUNBUS GmbH -> PDO-Configurator

Deinstalling this package starts automatically the KUNBUS PDO Configurator windows deinstaller (setup.exe).
Please follow the steps of the windows deinstaller for a successfull deinstallation of KUNBUS PDO Configurator.

Release Notes (Nov 15, 2017)

Initial Version

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