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NI Qbus by NI - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

Messaging bus API which supports routing and broadcasting messages

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ReleasedMay 19, 2016
Publisher NI
License NI Sample Code License
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=15.0
Operating System Windows, Mac, and Linux
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NI Qbus is a LabVIEW based messaging API. The library provides VIs for sharing messages between asynchronous processes. The Qbus API provides subVIs that allow processes to send two types of messages:

Broadcast messages—Available to any process. The sender does not specify a recipient for a broadcast message. To receive a specific type of broadcast message, each process registers for the messages it desires by name.

Routed messages—Sent only to a specific, named process. You might send a routed message when multiple processes register for a particular message name, but in a specific situation, you only want one specific process to receive and handle the message.

Release Notes (May 19, 2016) no release notes for this version

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