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Improved Error Dialog by Neosoft Technologies - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

Revamped Error Dialog by Neosoft Technologies Inc

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ReleasedNov 24, 2023
Publisher Neosoft Technologies
License BSD 3-Clause License
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=17.0
Operating System Windows, Mac, and Linux
Used By neosoft_technologies_inc_lib_testandifier  
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Displays a revamped error dialog to the user which improve the capabilities by offering to :
- copy the error code & message into the clipboard.
- open the search for the error code.
- create screenshot of the error popup or the full screen.
- display either a dialog box with a single close window option (after the user acknowledges the dialog box, the VI returns control to the main VI) or a dialog box with buttons, which the user can use to either continue or stop (if the user selects Stop, the VI calls the Stop function to halt execution).

Release Notes (Nov 24, 2023)

- Adds a flag to erase the error at the output of this VI
- Fixes a bug where a Windows Explorer window could be visible when doing a full screen capture
- Allows discarding an error popup to appearing again for a specific error code during execution

cyril-gambini and dkim_neosoft were contributors to this release

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