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RTI DDS Toolkit for LabVIEW (RT-support) by Real-Time Innovations - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

Support files for Real-Time boards. Tested on cRIO-9068 and cRIO-9031.

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ReleasedJun 01, 2016
Publisher Real-Time Innovations
License Not Specified
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW<=0
Operating System Windows NT,Linux
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RTI DDS Toolkit for LabVIEW is built on the Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard, the leading data-centric publish/subscribe (DCPS) messaging standard for integrating distributed real-time applications. The VI blocks in this toolkit allow you to easily publish and share data between multiple LabVIEW applications or between LabVIEW and non-LabVIEW applications.

Features at a glance:
- Seamless integration between LabVIEW and other applications implemented in C, C++, Java, C#/.Net, and Ada
- Peer-to-peer data communication
- Dynamic peer discovery
- Substantially reduce application programming effort
- Many customizable Quality of Service parameters available for fine tuning application behavior without coding

These files provide access to RTI Connext DDS from your NI Linux-based board, both 32-bits ARMv7 and 64-bit Intel ones.

Release Notes (Jun 01, 2016)

Requires RTI DDS Toolkit for LabVIEW in Windows.
NI Linux support (32-bits ARMv7 and 64-bit Intel) as General Access Release.

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