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R Graph by Szymon Ciupak - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

<b>R Graph</b> is a package that allows you to create good-looking graphs using R language.

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ReleasedOct 06, 2017
Publisher Szymon Ciupak
License BSD
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=16.0
Operating System Windows
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R Graph is a package that allows you to create good-looking graphs using R language. Scatter, bar, box, contour and line plots are supported along with histograms and heatmaps. The graphs can be also modified in a number of ways, e.g. by adding annotations, error bars or regression. It is also possible to create publication-ready graphs by placing a single VI.

To enjoy full functionality, you need to have R installed with ggplot2 package. Without those packages, it will only be possible to create and save the R code and data (displaying and saving graphs requires execution of R code). R can be downloaded from
Once R is downloaded and installed, ggplot2 package needs to be obtained. To do so, open R GUI (Start -> R -> R i386 or R x64), type install.packages("ggplot2") in the console and press Enter. You may be prompted to choose a mirror server. This process is desribed in pictures in Help Document for this package - once it is installed, you will find it in LabVIEW in Help -> Szymon Ciupak -> R Graph...

Release Notes (Oct 06, 2017)

- example descriptions are now more informative
- help VI and menu amendment

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