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Tried through VIPM or downloading package then installing manually. Tried running VIPM as admin and instead I get an Error Code 5...

Main Package Name: NI LabVIEW LINX Toolkit v1.0.0.9
Package Name with Error: NI LabVIEW LINX Toolkit v1.0.0.9
Error Message: VIPM could not install the package ni_labview_linx_toolkit- .
Error Code: 8
Error Source: Delete in 9EDBBD2B992503F5E1BEE944BF726A57->E80C6C79E2825D14672C8F35C1DCFFBB->F7C4E276637B8E633B6AFDD1EF2CE94A->OGPM Class.lvlib:9379CFD8CA331CF0E38A98FA9D7316C6->OGPM Class.lvlib:D5B6EB965D0BC09274E3E5144188318D->C816626B524CF3DD3AA4372A60C7FF8E->VIPM Main
C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2020\resource\Framework\Providers\LINX_lvrealtime.mxx. File Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2020\resource\Framework\Providers\LINX_lvrealtime.mxx".


yannis batsos Same here... any thoughts? -------- Main Package Name: NI LabVIEW LINX Toolkit v1.0.0.9 Package Name with Error: NI LabVIEW LINX Toolkit v1.0.0.9 Error Message: VIPM could not install the package ni_labview_linx_toolkit- . Error Code: 8 Error Source: Delete in 9EDBBD2B992503F5E1BEE944BF726A57->E80C6C79E2825D14672C8F35C1DCFFBB->F7C4E276637B8E633B6AFDD1EF2CE94A->OGPM Class.lvlib:9379CFD8CA331CF0E38A98FA9D7316C6->OGPM Class.lvlib:D5B6EB965D0BC09274E3E5144188318D->C816626B524CF3DD3AA4372A60C7FF8E->VIPM Main C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2020\resource\Framework\Providers\LINX_lvrealtime.mxx. File Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2020\resource\Framework\Providers\LINX_lvrealtime.mxx". ===============
 •  Reply3 years
Timothy P. I recently installed LavVIEW 2021 64-bit. It appears the toolkit is written for use with 32-bit (x86) versions of LabVIEW. At least that's the error I received when I attempted to install it.
 •  Reply2 years

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