Software engineer with a mathematics background primarily interested in functional-first or dataflow multi-paradigm languages like F#, Racket, Elixir, LabVIEW.
Published Packages
A collection of various utility VIs |
Functional Array
Collection of functional array generating and processing VIs |
Automatic Differentiation
Implementation of dual numbers and forward-mode automatic differentiation |
Recent Contributions
Blake Mitchell was on the development team for Utilities v1.0.0.5. | |
Blake Mitchell was on the development team for Caraya Unit Test Framework v1.2.1.131. | |
Blake Mitchell made a contribution for Caraya Unit Test Framework v1.2.0.129. | |
Blake Mitchell was on the development team for Functional Array v1.0.0.15. | |
Blake Mitchell was on the development team for Automatic Differentiation v1.0.0.7. |