(Aug 25, 2016)
- Added Selction List as a dialog box class
- Upgraded the code base to LabVIEW 2012. (May 19, 2016)
- Corrected a bug where blackened dialog did not work correctly
- Corrected a bug where the dialog box flickered once on first call.
- Added new classes to Dialog palette: "Message Box" and "Error Message Box". The Message Box contains a folder of 64x64 images to provide some customization to the message box. Any PNG image can be used and will be fitted into a 64x64 picture container. Best resolution is achieved with 64x64 images before of zooming/interpolation done for display. (May 19, 2016)
- The UI Engine VIs have been upgraded an 2 examples have been added to the NI Example Finder.
- Icons for Utilities (Alignement) VIs have be changed to be more consistent with the rest of the package
- Changed Short Names for some VIs to use proper English instead of abbreviations (better readability from the palette)
- Now certified with LabVIEW "Silver" testing
- Better error handling with Dialog class VIs to avoid hang ups when error occured. (May 19, 2016)
1.2.0 Package revisited to conform to the LabVIEW Tools Network requirements and LAVA submission guidelines.
Some VIs have been renamed because the names did not meet with NI guidelines. These VIs have been labeled "Legacy" on the icon. They are kept in the llb to preserve backwards compatibility. These VIs are for the moment exactly the same as those found in the palettes, but they will no longer be supported in future upgrades to the package. Everyone should use the palettes VIs for future development.
Added polymorphic VIs for Fade In/Out, instead of a variant input for fade time (ms).
Added a set of classes to manage Dialog boxes with clean presentation.
Added examples for Alignment (Basic), Alignment (Grid) and Fading (Basic).
Added Snap to Bottom/Left/Right/Top with option to center. Legacy VIs have been kept for backward compatibility. (May 19, 2016)
1.2.0 Package revisited to conform to the LabVIEW Tools Network requirements and LAVA submission guidelines.
Some VIs have been renamed because the names did not meet with NI guidelines. These VIs have been labeled "Legacy" on the icon. They are kept in the llb to preserve backwards compatibility. These VIs are for the moment exactly the same as those found in the palettes, but they will no longer be supported in future upgrades to the package. Everyone should use the palettes VIs for future development.
Added polymorphic VIs for Fade In/Out, instead of a variant input for fade time (ms).
Added a set of classes to manage Dialog boxes with clean presentation.
Added examples for Alignment (Basic), Alignment (Grid) and Fading (Basic).
Added Snap to Bottom/Left/Right/Top with option to center. Legacy VIs have been kept for backward compatibility.