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I'm a Certified LabVIEW Architect and LabVIEW Champion currently working in the Automotive industry.

Published Packages

Unicity image Unicity
Unique Name Management for Subsystems
UI Tools Controls Addon image UI Tools Controls Addon
This package contains a class to quickly create controls programmatically based on templates.
UI Tools image UI Tools
Tools for user interface development
Top Level Launcher image Top Level Launcher
QuickDrop tool for setting and running a project top level VI.
OpenURI image OpenURI
Unique Resource Identifier (URI) RFC3986
OpenSerializer JKI JSON image OpenSerializer JKI JSON
JKI JSON Serializer
OpenSerializer easyXML image OpenSerializer easyXML
easyXML Serializer
OpenSerializer.Base64 image OpenSerializer.Base64
Base64 Encoder-Decoder
OpenSerializer image OpenSerializer
Serializer classes
Oauth 2.0 image Oauth 2.0
Open Authorization 2.0
MQTT Websockets Connection image MQTT Websockets Connection
MQTT Websockets Connection class (extension)
MQTT TCP Connection image MQTT TCP Connection
MQTT TCP Connection class (extension)
MQTT Secured TCP Connection image MQTT Secured TCP Connection
MQTT Secured TCP Connection class (extension)
MQTT LocalQueue Connection image MQTT LocalQueue Connection
MQTT Websockets Connection class (extension)
MQTT Control Packets image MQTT Control Packets
MQTT Control Packets
MQTT Connection image MQTT Connection
MQTT Connection and Base functionality for MQTT clients and servers
MQTT Client image MQTT Client
MQTT Client
MQTT Broker image MQTT Broker
Native LabVIEW MQTT Broker
LabVIEW Open Source Palette image LabVIEW Open Source Palette
Palette for all things "LabVIEW Open Source Project"
GCentral/LabVIEW IDE Integration image GCentral/LabVIEW IDE Integration
Webpage Launcher
Epoch Date & Time image Epoch Date & Time
Unified Date and Time LIbrary
Data Manipulation image Data Manipulation
Low-Level Data Manipulation Utilities
Cryptographic Functions image Cryptographic Functions
Fast, Native Cryptographic and Hashing Function
Cron Scheduler image Cron Scheduler
Cron Scheduling Libraries
Connection image Connection
Connection base class for client and servers alike
Certification Authority image Certification Authority
Certification Authority for Self-Signed Certificates
Caraya Unit Test Framework image Caraya Unit Test Framework
Caraya Unit Test Framework by JKI
Caraya CLI Extension image Caraya CLI Extension
Extension package to use Caraya with G-CLI
Advanced Structures image Advanced Structures
Advanced Structures


Recent Posts

Cron Job Scheduling for LabVIEW
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by Francois Normandin, 3 years, 10 months ago, 2 , 1
Securing your MQTT Client and Server with TLS
This is a continuation of the Native MQTT Broker and Client presentation from LabVIEW Open Source P…

by Francois Normandin, 4 years, 3 months ago, 1 , 2
Native LabVIEW MQTT Client & Broker Project
The LabVIEW Open Source Project presents a native LabVIEW client and server with configurable conne…

by Francois Normandin, 4 years, 3 months ago, 0 , 1
OpenSerializer presentation
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by Francois Normandin, 4 years, 3 months ago, 0 , 3
LabVIEW Open Source Project Presentation
The LabVIEW Open Source Project is a collection of LabVIEW code in the best tradition of open sourc…

by Francois Normandin, 4 years, 3 months ago, 0 , 3